ASPEN CANCER CONFERENCE EXTENDED ABSTRACTS FOR POSTER PRESENTATION should be approximately 3 pages in length (10 or 12 pt), 1 inch margins, double-spaced throughout, including tables, figures, and references. References to a few key papers are very important. Deadline for submission is June 1, 2024.
Posters Abstracts to be displayed at the Conference, should be approximately 3’ x 5’ horizontal and brought with you to the conference.
HEADER. Type the last name of the Senior Author in the upper left-hand corner, page number center, and date in the upper right-hand corner of each page.
TITLE. The title should be in bold. The first line of the title should be flush left, indenting 2 spaces on all consecutive lines. Under the title, indenting 2 spaces, type full names of all authors in caps. Following the authors, type addresses including the zip code.
The following is an example:
Cell Injury, Ion Deregulation, and Carcinogenesis
BENJAMIN F. TRUMP AND IRENE K. BEREZESKY. Department of Pathology, University of
Maryland School of Medicine and the Maryland Institute for Emergency Medical Services Systems,
Baltimore, MD 21201
Begin the text of the abstract with a paragraph indentation of 2 spaces.
REFERENCES. References should be cited in the text by an ARABIC numeral in parentheses and on the same line of text. Do not use superscripts, subscripts or square brackets or other symbols. Use et al (no periods) for more than 3 authors when mentioning in the text.
Literature should be listed alphabetically and numbered sequentially. Include the names and initials of all the authors, year of publication in parentheses, full title of the paper, references source abbreviated (as listed in Index Medicus), volume and first and last page.
All citations should be complete, and are the sole responsibility of the author. Papers submitted, or in preparation are not to be cited, but can be listed in the text as “personal communication.”
The following are examples of references listings:
Smith AT Jr (1952). Article title: Subtitle–Cap after colon or em dash (–). Abbrev. & Ital. Jour. Name (but spell out if only one word) 25: 182-188.
Smith BT and Jones TC (eds) (1958). Book Title:–Cap After Colon or Em Dash. Publisher, Place.
Smith CT, Taylor QR, and Jones TC (1972). Article title. In: Book Title, vol. l, J Jones and MN Lee (eds). Publisher, Place, pp. 615-654.
Smith DT (1983). Dissertation title. University of Toronto, M.Sc. Thesis.
Smith ET (1986). Article title. Abbrev. Jour. Name 58 (in press).
Smith FG (1985). Article title. Abbrev. Jour. Name 16:818 (Abstract).
ABBREVIATIONS, CHEMICAL DESIGNATIONS. The metric system is the standard for all measurement and variable notations. Abbreviations should be defined between parentheses when first indicated in the text. Italics text should be underlined and Chemical Abstracts or associated indexes should be used for conventional chemical designation. Authors may use, without definition, the following abbreviations: